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Do you need a good looking map in your laravel application? That this listacle is for you! We found the best / easiest to use maps packages for you.

  1. 0. DIY - Do It Yourself

    If you have the time we recommend you make use of the wonderfull SDK's from the map companies that exist. This provides you the most flexibility and freedom in the future. Do note that you are responsible yourself to maintain this in the future if for example the SDK's get deprecated. If you dont want to deal with that. Check out the next item in the list.

  2. 1. Larswiegers/laravel-maps

    While doing it yourself gives you the most freedom. It is often more work and you have to deal with javascript and such.

    Do you just need a simple map with a few markers? Then this package is for you! This package makes it as easy as writing a single html element and some data attributes through the magic of blade components. As easy as the code below:

    This package supports both Leaflet.js and Google Maps
  3. 2. Mapbox

    Mapbox is also a great alternative if you are looking for more than just a map. Mapbox offers a range of more tools in the same fashion. Such as SDK's for navigation, search and vision. Definitly worth checking out!

    Checkout this package to integrate Laravel with Mapbox: laravel-mapbox


Wow 3 great options with each there own trade offs. That is the life of a developer. Choose a package that works for your project. Good luck!

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