Laravel Packages

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Looking for the best cms package that open source laravel has to offer? We gathered some of the packages that could help you create your next blog or content platform. These packages help you build websites, blogs or your next SaaS applications. They offer a beautiful easy to use control panel.

Laravel framework

These packages are build for the Laravel framework. They are meant to be used in your laravel Projects.

  1. 0. Statamic

    statamic is the CMS package if you love customability and if you want to have full control over
    what the output and inputs of your blog posts/articles look like. It is perfect for that and with its
    great documentation and even an full course on laracasts it great package that you should check out.

    Multiple languages

    Stamatic offers a "Multi-Site" functionality so you can have multiple languages. This even works on the subdomains.

    It is even free, until you want to scale it up to multiple user accounts / more features you will have to pay a price + a subscription after a year.
  2. 1. Twill

    While Till is a little bit older than Statamic it has not gained as quite a following. It is still worth considering though. Its documentation is a great place to start. With it upcoming version 3 in beta as of writing (2022) the future of Twill seems to be bright!
  3. 2. October CMS

    October CMS is another great CMS to checkout with Laravel at its core, the CMS offers great documentation and an extensive Plugin & Themes support. These plugins allow you to leverage the community to get started faster.


In conclusion, we would recommend Statamic for most projects. It is the most active one of the packages discussed on this page and it offers an insane amount of flexibility.

We hope that you found the package you were looking, for your next CMS project. Good luck!

Laravel Packages

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