Laravel Packages

Package Pages

We are very excited to announce our new Analytics feature.

The analytics page gives you an overview of your site's statistics. Including your packagist and GitHub data. This data is gathered using both the packagist API and GitHub API.

  • Total downloads.
  • Downloads per project.
  • GitHub open issues.
  • GitHub stars.
  • GitHub watchers.
  • GitHub forks.
See an example page below.

Index page of the new analytics pages.

While the total stats are nice to see, you might want to view your stats per site. This is also possible! As seen below.

Individual page of the new analytics.

In the future the analytics page will also contain:

  • Analytics on the number of requests to your unique site URL.
  • Analytics on the downloads of your project over time.
  • And more!

We are very happy with the result and would love to hear your feedback. Contact us via Twitter @packagepages.

Laravel Packages

Package Pages

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